Sunday 20 November 2016


Poverty is said to be a state of the heart which is true. In Africa generally, some people believe they were born poor and were destined to be poor for the rest of their lives. Others believe the the forces against them are too sophisticated for them to have a chance of breaking through the huddles of life. Bible says in Proverbs twenty three verse seven that “… as he thinks in his heart, so is he…”. Now it is clearer to us that whatever happens to us is a product of the thoughts will allow
dominating our sub-consciousness.
There are seven signs that shows you may become poor for the rest of your life. They include:
1.       LOOKING BACKWARD: Watch any man that always regret his past opportunities and decries the present and the future that man is already defeated and his past is hurting him and he can’t let go of it because he uses it to console himself that at least, I was once a champion. Looking back with regret is looking forward for failure. Life is in stages. There has never been a successful person without a time of falling and rising. So must let go of your past (good or bad). If you were jittered in a relationship, don’t assume all people are like that.  Bury your past in the graveyard were you may find it difficult to go dig it out again.
2.       WASTING TIME: Any man that doesn’t value time never value life.  I have found out that people who stay for three hours without doing anything that will improve their life are people without purpose and direction. They can spend three hours talking about others and surfing internet sites that consume their energy without renewing them. A time waster is a life waster!  I hear people say this month is so long or today is so long. This is because; they don’t have anything to do with their time. When I discovered my purpose for living, every 24 hours is to me like 24 minutes. When you haven’t found what to do to fulfill purpose, you will waste your life watching others.
3.       NO PLAN: Any man without a plan will accept whatever that is presented to him. There are many countries in Africa that don’t have a plan to develop their Nations. Anytime a corporation from the western world comes to milk their country, they feel is development and revenue generation. Often times such companies make millions of dollars in a short space of time and pay the government and their people peanuts and they are very happy. Some people can’t tell what they will do this week; they are at the mercies of their bosses in office, friends, clergy men, neighbors and family relations. It is an error for someone to just call you and says let us to travel to another town and you are happy and ever ready. It means you don’t value your life and you are available for spending at any given time. I wonder why a man who is not using his phone for business is buying airtime and talking with someone on phone for five-ten minutes. People with such lifestyle end up broke financially and emotionally. Busy but not impactful.
4.       NO BUDGET: Any man without a budget is a dangerous man. I met someone who won one million Naira looking so poor that even poor people can address him as a poor man. He got the money but he had no plan and budget so he blew the entire one million Naira and went back to his suffering. When you don’t have a budget, whatever you see, you will buy and eat food and drink beer with your children’s school fees. When a man spend all his income without thinking of saving  15% of it, he is heading to land of frustrated poor people. You must map out what you will spend on petrol, recharge cards, entertainment, leisure and sports. There are women that are cloth loaded but future empty and there are men with nice cars with rotten brains because they never invest in what will improve their income. Give a man without a budget two million and I will show you a man tomorrow who has potentials of committing suicide because of frustration.
5.       I MUST START BIG MENTALITY: Many people would have been great men in the society but they refuse to start small. The Bible says you shouldn’t despise the days of your little beginning. When a man wants to start on a big stage, he may end up with a disappointment that may result to premature death. Most of the outstanding companies today started very small but are great today. If you are still waiting for a friend, father, Church to help you with capital before starting a business, then you are preparing to be poor for the rest of your life. There is a man that started selling suits to bankers and people working in offices and his Church members by carrying them on credit, he will sell and make little gain and make returns. After a while, he started travelling to buy those suits by himself.  Later, he got a car instead of a shop; to move round to sell. Now he is doing well. But some folks will ask you “where is the money for renting office or shop?” stop saying when you have big money before you will start investing. Such people never have a chance to start anything in life because they wait until they get wasted.
6.       IT IS A SPIRITUAL BATTLE AND I CAN’T HELP IT: There are people with a mindset that forces from the kingdom of darkness are blocking their way to success. I’m not ruling out such things but you can still come out of any spiritual bondage and live a better life. Some people love the blame game. So they want to explain away their weakness to spiritual attacks that overpowers them to think right. They are so naïve and coward to a point that they believe they lost control of their life to a spiritual force that dictate whatever happens to them.  These groups of people blame spiritual forces behind their poverty. Anyone with such a mindset is doomed.
7.       NO CONTROL OF THEIR EMOTIONS:  People without emotional control are controlled by the five senses. They can easily get angry and damage their future in no space of time; they can sleep with any man and woman without planning for it. These folks are manipulated by their emotions to lost control of their life. They make decisions base on emotions and end up heartbroken tomorrow. I have seen quite a number of young men go into relationship just like man drinks water and come out the same way heartbroken simply because they let emotions rule their common sense. There are people in businesses appealing to their emotions and very soon, the capital will be lost. Anybody without emotional control will end up broke financially and get frustrated in life. Imagine a business man lavishing the money that was meant to buy goods in a wedding when he saw others spraying money. What will become of him? The business will surely crash. Don’t explain it away with excuses and live a life that has no meaning.
This article is written by: Henry Lupper
CEO Henry Lupper Products (HLP)

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