The attack occurred on Tuesday at around 1400 local time near the Cameroonian border town of Kontcha, the statement said.“The victims were one U.N. independent contractor, three Nigerian nationals and one Cameroonian national,” it added. The attackers are unknown but the border is known to serve as a hiding place for
News, Events, Entertainment, Sports, Lifestyle and lots more...truly reliable
Thursday, 2 February 2017
Osinbajo, Saraki, Dogara meet in Aso Rock
The Acting President, Yemi Osinbajo, on Thursday met behind closed doors with the leadership of the National Assembly at the Presidential Villa, Abuja. At the meeting were the Senate President, Bukola Saraki; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Yakubu Dogara. The duo had held similar meeting with
Ben Murray-Bruce mock Mohammad over his comments that a dollar was N180 when GEJ was in office
Senator Ben Murry-Bruce twitted to mock Mohammad's twit when Goodluck Jonathan was the President of Nigeria. Mohammad tag the twit "GEJ should please forgive him" and went on to say; "Today a dollar is N180 and a pound is N280 hope you have a family"...this is really the transformation agenda..!! GEJ has finished Nigeria. Senator Ben Murray-Bruce went on to say that he has spoken to the Ex President and he said he has forgiven you. In fact, he never bore a grudge. see the tweet after the cut
Brought to tears by Sharia justice: Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 agonising lashes of the cane for having sex outside of marriage (and her 'lover' got it too)
Clutching her head in her hands as she is struck across the back, an
Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 agonising lashes as punishment
for having sex outside of marriage. The woman, along with the man she
was accused of having sex with, faced the brutal punishment because
having sex outside of wedlock is
Beyonce's pregnant with TWINS! Jay-Z's wife reveals surprise baby news while putting her big bump on show
Beyonce Knowles has revealed she is pregnant with twins! The 35-year-old posed in just a bra and underwear with her bump on show in an Instagram snap posted on Wednesday. She
added a caption which read: 'We would like to share our love and
happiness. We have been blessed two times over. We are
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