Friday 2 December 2016

Sobbing teen shoots herself dead in front of horrified family after being driven to suicide by ‘relentless cyber-bullies’ who set-up sex profiles for her

Brandy Vela, 18, from Texas City, US, sent a final text to her devastated loved ones, which read: “I love you so much just remember that please and I’m so sorry for everything.”
As her parents and grandparents rushed to see what was wrong, they found her standing in her bedroom and could do nothing as she shot herself in
front of them.
Her older sister, Jackie told Houston News: "I heard someone crying so I ran upstairs and I looked in her room and she's against the wall and she has a gun and she's just crying and crying and I'm like, 'Brandy please don't, Brandy no.'"
She said her father cried out "help me, help me" after Brandy fired the shot.he died in hospital on Tuesday hours after she had tried to kill herself.
Jackie revealed her sister had always been bullied for her weight, but in recent months it had turned into a relentless campaign of cyberbullying.
She told CNN: "People would make up fake Facebook accounts and they would message her and she wouldn't respond and they would still come at her.
"They would say really, really mean things like, 'Why are you still here?' They would call her fat and ugly. She was beautiful, absolutely beautiful; the only thing people could find to pick on her was her weight."

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