Thursday 1 December 2016

You will go to jail - Donald Trump talk tough

We have too much people who hate America and live here at the same time and this can’t go on. Something has to be done about it. Right after Trump tweeted this post, the liberals immediately called to mind that our Constitution has the First Amendment and it protects the freedom of expression (wish they could remember it while appealing
to ban the Confederate flag). At the time, nearly every state had laws criminalizing flag desecration. Some, including South Carolina, still do. South Carolina's law, last changed in 1962, prohibits acts that "publicly mutilate, deface, defile, defy, jeer at, trample upon or cast contempt, either by word or act" the flag. Violation carries a $100 fine or 30 days in jail plus a $50 penalty for each offense.

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