Thursday 2 February 2017

Brought to tears by Sharia justice: Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 agonising lashes of the cane for having sex outside of marriage (and her 'lover' got it too)

Clutching her head in her hands as she is struck across the back, an Indonesian woman is forced to endure 26 agonising lashes as punishment for having sex outside of marriage. The woman, along with the man she was accused of having sex with, faced the brutal punishment because having sex outside of wedlock is
against strict Sharia law. Pictures show how the woman was forced to kneel on the ground on the public stage in front of a mosque in Indonesia's Aceh province. She looks fearful as the man who hands out the punishment uses a cane to crack her across the back 26 times for violating the law as a crowd of people look on. After her brutal punishment is over, the man she is accused of having sex with (top right) is brought to the stage to receive his lashes.

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