Monday, 31 October 2016

Derby Day gets VERY messy! Thousands of thirsty punters turn out for Spring Carnival in Australia and leave a little worse for wear

Derby Day is one for the racing purists, with four Group 1 races and the all-important final spot in the Melbourne Cup up for grabs. But when 90,000 thirsty patrons file through the gates at Flemington racecourse, there's always going to be equally as much action off the track
as there is on it. For many of the punters who attended what's widely regarded as the best day of racing in Australia on Saturday, it was all about basking in the rare Melbourne sunshine, while also enjoying some fun, fashion and frivolity. Some women chose to bare skin (left) on the warm Spring day, while others needed a lift from their male counterparts (middle) at the end of a long day of partying and punting. It all proved too much for a few racegoers. While the women led the way in the fashion stakes, one man showed the role of men isn't something to be rubbished as he stripped down to his speedos and dove head first into a rubbish bin (inset).

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