Friday, 11 November 2016

There's No Sharia Law Bill Before Us - NASS

The House was responding to concerns that had been raised about a bill before the lawmakers which proposes to increase the powers of jurisdiction of Sharia Law in Nigeria.
However, the spokesman for the House, Honourable Abdulrasak Namdas, told reporters
in Abuja on Thursday that there was a proposed amendment to the constitution that is yet to be sent back to the house.
He also said that it was wrong to say a Sharia bill had passed second reading in the House.
According to the Sharia law, a Sharia Court of Appeal manned by competent Kadis of Islamic law has a limited jurisdiction to Islamic personal status and leave a wider jurisdiction in other matters of Islamic law in the hands of a High Court Judge who may not at all be lettered in Islamic law.

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