Thursday, 26 January 2017

'Mexico doesn't believe in walls' says President Peña Nieto

In Mexico, President Trump’s signing of orders to begin work on a wall along the US’s southern border has been met with anger. One politician said it was an insult to the country and urged the Mexican government to lodge a lawsuit for racial discrimination and violation of human rights.
Trump’s policies, including his
demand that the North American Free Trade Agreement with Mexico and Canada be renegotiated or scrapped, have put Mexico’s government on the defensive.
In a message to the nation President Enrique Peña Nieto said he was saddened by the plans for the border barrier of which he disapproved, but did not mention canceling his trip to Washington for talks next week.
“I regret and disapprove of US decision to keep building a wall that for many years now, far form uniting us, has divided us. Mexico does not believe in walls. I’ve said more than once, Mexico won’t pay any wall,” repeated President Peña Nieto.
The border between Mexico and the United States is about 3200 kilometers long. Part of it is already secured with fencing. For the construction of Trumps Wall, experts estimate it will cost up to 40 billion dollars. The exact details on the financing of the plans are still unclear.

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