Tuesday 21 February 2017

Awesome healing power of mum and dad's love: When ex-England footballer Phil Neville's daughter was born severely disabled, doctors wrote her off. Now she's a model - thanks to her iron will

The football star's daughter Isabella (pictured as a child middle with her mum, dad and brother Harvey) suffered a stroke in the womb and was on 95 per cent life support to help her breathe. There was more bad news for Isabella when at 18-months she was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Doctors told parents Julie and Phil (middle) she would never walk, talk or lead a normal life. But the striking beauty has defied all
the odds. Now a teenager, Isabella (left) can walk, run, dance, play sports and has been signed by a top modelling agency. 'I admire models such as Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid,' said the budding model. In 2015, the Nevilles moved from Manchester to Valencia, in Spain, after Harvey was offered a place at a prestigious football academy nearby.
Phil works there as a coach and TV pundit, while Julie (right), who ran a health food shop before the move, spends her days doing charity work and looking after the children. Isabella attends the renowned Caxton College, a British-run private school in Valencia, while pursuing her modelling career.

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