Tuesday 21 February 2017

I'm planning my funeral now - 42 year old David Bowi declarede

David Bowie’s was simple: he wanted to “go without any fuss”. The Queen Mother’s was more elaborate, even having a codename, “Tay Bridge”. But most people’s funeral plans amount to a choice between burial or cremation, plus a list of favourite songs. As far as I know I am in good health. I am 42 years old, and hope to
be around for some years to come.
But I am deciding now what I want from my funeral.  I have a partner, no children, and am one of four siblings. Whoever outlives me, I hope to minimise the upset – and the expense – of organising things after my death.
The average funeral in the last five years cost more than £3,600, according to the National Association of Funeral Directors (NAFD). Many spend far more.
The British funeral industry is worth £1.8 billion a year, market analyst IBISWorld calculates. And funeral costs are predicted to grow, just as the death rate is also rising. About 5.6 per cent more people died in England and Wales in 2015 than the year before, the biggest annual rise since 1968.
When faced with organising a funeral, most people plump for a local undertaker. But that nearby firm may not be all it seems.
Big undertaking groups, such as Dignity, the UK’s only listed funeral company, have bought up smaller operators in recent years, but retained the family names. Dignity and the Co-operative Funeralcare control almost a third of the UK market.
So, when looking for a funeral director, the first piece of advice is: know who you are dealing with.
Louise Winter, editor of the Good Funeral Guide, recommends seeking out an independent undertaker, as they are often cheaper than the corporate giants, which typically offer opaquely-priced packages.
Independents are also frequently more flexible. Seven out of 10 undertakers in the UK are still independently owned, and the guide reviews and rates them.
Ms Winter points out that the best funerals strike a fine balance between celebration and sobriety.
She says: “It’s about finding a good fit for you and your family, which makes talking about what you want ahead of time so important. A funeral is much bigger than the music. You need to think about who the death will affect. Who is this funeral for?”
While many still opt for a church or crematorium, the choice of venues is vast.
Ceremonies can take place in pubs, theatres, museums or people’s homes. You can even be buried at the bottom of the garden, as long as it is written into the deeds of the house.
Having read The American Way of Death Revisited, Jessica Mitford’s exposé of the funeral industry in the US and Britain, published in the Sixties, I had been considering direct cremation. Mitford reveals how funeral directors often add extra expenses that relatives are little able to resist.
Direct cremation involves the body being transported in a private ambulance soon after death to be cremated immediately. No funeral, no fuss. Typically, they cost just over £1,000.
However, I discover another option, termed a “dignified” or “simple” cremation.
The body is taken to the crematorium with no fanfare, but with a handful of mourners.
I discuss this with Poppy’s Funerals, a London-based independent firm recommended for its “pick and mix” approach to funeral planning.  Early slots are cheapest. For example, 9am at Putney Vale crematorium in southwest London would give 30 minutes for a cremation fee of £297.
Then, the simplest funeral offered by Poppy’s Funerals would cost £1,950, which includes collecting, storing, and cleaning the body; processing paperwork; then transporting the coffin to the crematorium. A cardboard coffin is used, though a simple wood-veneered version is available for £330. Two bearers are included in the price, and often friends or relatives will help carry the coffin, though a hydraulic trolley is available if not.  There is no formal service, though those present can say a few words before the coffin disappears.
Some may not like this, but its simplicity appeals to me. People can mark their respects at a later memorial service.
Kim Bird, founder of comparison website Aboutthefuneral.com, said: “Funerals are moving from what looks important to what is really important – the relationship with the individual who’s died.
"Fewer people want the black Victorian funeral, and prefer something personal. It’s more reflective of the person, and better for those left behind.”
Many want a church-led service. But one in seven Britons say they want a humanist funeral, according to the British Humanist Association (BHA). Humanist ceremonies typically make no mention of God or religion, though a civil celebrant will include religious references.
But the Church is also adapting to reflect modern trends. The Church of England launched a campaign several years ago, emphasising that, as the church of state, it is open to all.

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