Tuesday, 21 February 2017

BREAKING NEWS: Couple LOSE their Appeal Court battle to be allowed to have a heterosexual civil partnership

Rebecca Steinfeld and Charles Keidan (pictured, right), from west London, lost their legal battle at the Royal Courts of Justice, despite claiming the Government's position was 'incompatible with equality law'. The couple (left, with supporters) have been fighting for the past three years and in November they challenged High Court judge Mrs Justice Andrews's decision to dismiss their judicial review action. Dr Steinfeld, 34, and Mr Keidan, 39, who have been in
a committed relationship since November 2010 and have an 10-month-old baby, said they objected to the 'patriarchal baggage' of marriage and wanted to secure legal recognition of their relationship through a civil partnership. However, the Civil Partnership Act 2004 stipulates that only same-sex couples are eligible.

Source: Mailuk

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