Thursday 9 February 2017

Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee laments president's 'demoralising' attacks on judges

Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee has called the president's attacks on the judiciary "disheartening" after Mr Trump went after the appeals court considering his travel ban. It came on the same day as another judicial nominee - Mr Trump's pick for attorney general - was confirmed by a bitterly divided US Senate.
Republican Senator Jeff Sessions, 70, who
has served two decades in the Senate from Alabama, was confirmed by a 52-47 vote largely along party lines after Democrats raised public opposition to his confirmation.
Neil Gorsuch has only just been nominated for the Supreme Court, but defended the federal judges that have become targets of Mr Trump's ire.
A federal appeals court in San Francisco is expected to decide in coming days on the narrow question of whether US District Judge James Robart acted properly in temporarily halting enforcement of  Mr Trump's ban.
Mr Trump called Mr Robart a "so-called judge" whose "ridiculous" opinion "essentially takes law-enforcement away from our country."
According to Senator Richard Blumenthal, who met the nominee on Wednesday, Mr Gorsuch said the criticism was "demoralising and disheartening."

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