Thursday 9 February 2017

Explosion rocks French nuclear power plant close to the English Channel after fire breaks out in machine room

An explosion has rocked a French nuclear power plant close to the English Channel after a fire broke out in the machine room. The blast was felt at 10am this morning at the EDF Flamanville plant, just 100 miles from the English coastline. Five workers were treated for smoke inhalation and one of the reactors at the plant has been
shut down, though there is no radiation risk. 'It is not a nuclear accident,' senior local official Jacques Witkowski said.
He said a ventilator had exploded outside the nuclear zone at the plant, which has been in operation since the 1980s. Five people suffered smoke inhalation but there were no serious injuries, Witkowski said.
An advanced medical post, which usually is sent in during emergencies involving several victims, was sent to the plant, according to Ouest France. 
'It is a significant technical event but it is not a nuclear accident,' senior local official Olivier Marmion said following the blast at the Flamanville plant 25 kilometres (15 miles) west of Cherbourg.
He added that five people had reported feeling unwell but that there were no serious injuries. Former MP for Richmond Park Zac Goldsmith, who was beaten to the post of Mayor of London by Sadiq Khan last year, tweeted: 'Massive explosion' at French nuclear plant - 60 miles from England.
'We can now expect a massive cover up by the Government and nuclear industry.' 
EDF said a fire at one of the reactors led to a blast at around 8.40am GMT in a non-nuclear zone of the plant.
As a result, the reactor has been shut down, though it was not clear how long for.
The fire was in Reactor 1 at the plant, which was built in the 1980s along with Reactor 2.
A state-of-the-art Reactor 3 is currently under construction, but the blast did not affect it.
Reactor 3, a water pressurised reactor, is the model for a new reactor at Hinkley Point C in the UK but is years behind schedule. 

Source: Dailymail uk

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