Tuesday 14 February 2017

Adebola Williams: On #Valentines Day today, my message is simple: Let's stop this #Selflove campaign

Love is what you give even when you do not have; Love is sacrifice. Once you have the knowledge of what love is, he never instructed you to give it to yourself he asked that you give it to others just like Jesus did for you.
He said clearly, there will always be
the poor amongst you. Then he also thanked you for feeding him when he was hungry and clothing him when he was naked; Visiting him in prison and giving him a place to lay as a stranger at the door. Mathew 25:35-40 Did you feed him? Did you clothe him?
He went on to say when you fed the least deserving, you fed me, when you clothe them, you clothed me.....
Love your husband, love your wife, love your lovers and love the least deserving. Nourish yourself in spirit with Jesus, he will fill you with all the love you need. Perhaps we are too lazy to go fill ourselves at the fountain of real and true love, so we think it's by buying ourselves fancy cars and Mac lipstick.
We can start from the simple things: Love someone with a smile, with a genuine warm thank you, with a phone call to say how are you, with a small gift, with a warm hug, with lunch, pay your Neighbour's electricity bill, clear her waste. Those who really need love! I do not ask you not to buy your red bottoms but chill on this self love campaign and just express love with freedom.
I am not near perfect, I haven't been able to love everyone I want to or who have asked me but daily I do my best as God gives me grace, amen.

Adebola Williams

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