Sunday 27 November 2016

DRC: 34 civilians killed in Hutu village by Nande militiamen

The attack targeted Luhanga village, in the Central East of th of North Kivu province. “The provisional toll reported 34 civilians killed”, Joy Bokele told the AFP, the administrator of Lubero territory where the attack occurred.
“The village of Luhanga was attacked around 5:00 in the morning by
Maï-Maï Mazembe”, said Mr. Bokele, reached by phone from Goma, the capital of North Kivu.
“They started attacking the position of the FARDC (Congolese army). While they were attacking the FARDC, another group carried out the killing or shooting the population”, he added.
The Maï-Maï Mazembe are a “vigilante” Nande group. One of the attackers was killed, according to Mr. Bokele.
Luhanga is located in the South of Lubero territory, region where tensions are high for a year between a part of the Nande and the Kobo group and on the other hand the Hutu: intercommunal clashes related to land disputes have lead to the deaths of many.


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