Wednesday 8 February 2017

British bride and guests are BURIED under debris when Cuban hotel's roof CAVES IN around them during rehearsal for their dream £25,000 wedding

Sarah and John Wenham (together top right) had saved for years for 'the wedding of their dreams' in Cuba, costing more than £25,000 for themselves and 24 guests. But they were left fearing for their lives when the lobby roof at Sol Rio De Luna y Mares Hotel in Cuba suddenly buckled and collapsed (main), trapping them underneath and injuring many members of
the wedding party including Ruth Ricketts, who required 19 stitches to her head (bottom right). The bride also needed to be stitched up when she suffered a nasty cut above her right eye (left). Sarah said: 'I saw the blood start to gush from my head and I genuinely thought in that moment that I was going to die.' In the aftermath, John desperately scrambled around the lobby to find his wife, and had to get two people to lift the rubble off her body so that he could drag her to safety.

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