Monday 14 November 2016

Adeboye predicted I’d be governor, says Ortom

Governor Samuel Ortom of Benue State has declared that the General Overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God. The governor, who disclosed this at an interactive session held with Pastor Adeboye at the banquet hall of the Benue State Government House, Makurdi, on Saturday, said that the prophetic message had come to pass in his life.
Ortom said that the revelation took place when he went for a retreat with his wife, Eunice, in 2012.
According to him,
“It was in 2012 that I went for a retreat with my wife at the Redeemed Camp when the man of God told me to prepare to mount the state’s most exalted seat; here we are today as the Governor of Benue State.”
The governor said that with the fulfilment of the promise of God in his life, he would continue to be close to Adeboye.
He explained that Pastor Adeboye’s one-day visit to the state gave him the opportunity to appreciate God for bringing the two of them together again.
He said Adeboye thought him humility and recalled that since he dedicated Benue State to God on May 31 this year, the challenges of security, economy and so on had reduced with the people coming very close to God.
Responding, Adeboye, who placed emphasis on “divine encounter”, said after Moses had a divine encounter with God, his life was not the same again.
The cleric also cited the case of Abraham and his wife who had an encounter with God, saying, “God changed their barrenness to fruitfulness.”
He prayed for families in Benue to have divine encounters with God.
Adeboye further stated that after Jericho had an encounter with God, the aspect of the people’s bitter life came to an end.
hurch of God, Pastor Enoch Adeboye, in 2012 told him that he was going to become governor.

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