Wednesday 16 November 2016

If you are not corrupt, Travel to US - El-Rufai Dares Atiku, former Nigerian vice president

Barely 24 hours after former Vice-President Atiku Abubakar absolved himself of complicity in the Halliburton scandal, Kaduna State Governor, Mallam Nasir el-Rufai, has said that Atiku is being haunted by the demons of corruption.
 El-Rufai said Atiku was culpable in the Halliburton scandal that consumed American congressman, William Jefferson, who bagged a jail term in the United States of America.

In a statement he personally signed, el-Rufai, who dared Atiku to visit the United States of America if he was not culpable in the wiring of $40m to the US, implied that the former vice-president could not visit the US as a result of the scandal.
The statement entitled, “Atiku haunted by his corrupt demons,” urged Atiku to come clean with the findings of the report of the United States’ Senate Permanent Sub-Committee on Investigations which detailed the wire transfers involving the $40m from offshore companies.
El-Rufai alleged that the offshore companies wired funds into accounts controlled by Atiku and one of his wives.
Accusing the former vice-president of being obsessed with the ambition of becoming the President of Nigeria, the governor said the chieftain of the Atiku was fond of spewing out lies in an attempt to “rejuvenate his image”.
He said Atiku’s vaunting ambition made him (Atiku) support a particular group during the leadership struggle within the National Assembly, stressing that the action was disrespect for the wish of President Muhammadu Buhari.
 El-Rufai said, “This statement is issued in response to the latest falsehoods emerging from Alhaji Atiku Abubakar. He has a record of spewing outright lies and innuendos against my person. As we struggle to build a law-abiding society and secure progressive outcomes for our people, we cannot allow the triumph on these shores of those who will have us move to a post-factual world.

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