Wednesday, 16 November 2016


An adventure of one day, one moment in a wrong direction could take a 1000 days if not a lifetime to redress. One wrong impulsive reaction could make you to lose a very dear relationship. Don't destroy your social network! You will need it. One wrongly timed selfie could destroy your self-worth forever.
Think twice before you LIKE or FOLLOW on social media.
One day delay of taking a right action could lead to
a lifetime of regret. A delayed obedience is disobedient. Timely response is a real big deal!
Disobedient is liken to witchcraft. Don't bewitch your destiny! Act immediately, act timely.
Just one moment of indulgence, of cutting corner could lead to an irredeemable character damages and public disgrace. Watch it!
Just one very important sacrifice you fail to make today will be paid for dearly tomorrow.
Give it your all today and look tall before tomorrow.
You will lose nothing when you obey a sacrificial call.
One unwarranted debt could damage your credibility for life. Ask yourself if you really, truly and honestly need that loan.
Consuming more than your income is dangerous. Be fair to your tomorrow!.
One wrong assumption that you could lose a little, would eventually make you to lose a whole lot.
Give no room nor colouration to failure. Do it right at all time.
One wrong statement of "I can't" from you, will block a thousand more capabilities inside of you.
Whatsoever you declare you can't today may be your albatross for tomorrow's success.
Critically evaluate every statement , every action and every deed.
No vain words, no careless statement.
Say, declare and act what you want to see.
Be mindful and critical of every decision you are making going forward.
Life does not permit neutrality and every action or word comes with consequences.
Avoid that one wrong decision today and minimize the possibilities of tomorrow's regret.
The Thinkers

Credit: 21st Century Thinkers blog

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

good one