Friday 10 February 2017

Matt's Congrats For George And Amal on announcemente that Amal is pregnant with twins

WHILE rumours have been circling for some time that Amal and George Clooney are expecting twins, there has been no official announcement from the famous couple, but one person who knows them better than most confirmed the happy news yesterday. Matt Damon, who worked with Clooney on The Monuments Men, said that he was so happy to hear their news that he
nearly started crying, as he told Entertainment Tonight, revealing that he knew long before most."I almost started crying I was so happy for him, and then I said, 'How far along is she?' and he said, 'About eight weeks,' and I was like, 'Are you out of your mind?! Don't tell anybody else! Don't you know the 12-week rule?!'" he said, reports People. "Four weeks later I was like, 'We're good right?' and he was like, 'We're good!'"
Damon's congrats also extended beyond the couple's growing family to his friend's wife, who he married in lavish style in Venice in 2014.
"She's amazing," he said of Amal. "He hit the jackpot just on every level. She's just a remarkable woman, and they're gonna be great, they're gonna be awesome parents. Those kids are really lucky.”

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