Tuesday 15 November 2016

Dasuki Declined offer to attend father's burial- Nigerian Government Re

Detained former National Security Adviser, Sambo Dasuki, declined an offer to attend his father's burial contrary to rumours being cirtuclated in the social media, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) is reporting.
Rumours started circulating after the death of  Dasuki's father, former Sultan Ibrahim Dasuki, that President
Buhari was going to get even with Sambo Dasuki for his 'involvement' in the post coup detention that stopped Buhari from attending the burial of his mother.
Retired Colonel Sambo Dasuki is being tried for alleged misappropriation of funds meant to buy arms to fight Boko Haram.
According to an SMS alert by the News Agency of Nigeria, Nigeria's Interior Minister, AbdulRahman Dambazau, said Dasuki declined offers to visit his late father in hospital and to be in Sokoto at the mourning period.

Read more at http://www.dailytrust.com.ng/news/general/dasuki-declined-offer-to-attend-father-s-burial-nigerian-government/171818.html#rJWUXmPL8sbmBOg9.99

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